Yashodeep Sengupta.My brother. My friend. He is one of those guys with whom I teamed up in the UKG days and share an unforgettable rapport.
And why do I take up a thanksgiving tonight? Well, I just checked out that you reached your golden mark in your blog space. A Big and Heartfelt Congratulations for this accomplishment.
I have never really browsed must blog spaces till date. But going through your space, the varieties of pieces wrapped with high quality vocabulary is a treat to the eye and of course provide a great delight to the readers.
But why the thankgiving? Because on a bigger note, I dedicate my blog scribbling to you. Yes, you deserve it buddy. You have been a constant inspiration for me right from the school days. I still remember the quality of your English language usage in those answer sheets of our terminal examinations. I simply cherished them.
Well we joined hands in the Letter to editor sections in t2.And now it has extended to this blogspace.
I wish you all the very best, Mr. Journalist. Let those thoughts of your free mind gets sketched down now and then. And I wish to gather more and more inspiration from you in the coming days.
Happy Blogging buddy. Keep up the good work. God Bless.
And why do I take up a thanksgiving tonight? Well, I just checked out that you reached your golden mark in your blog space. A Big and Heartfelt Congratulations for this accomplishment.
I have never really browsed must blog spaces till date. But going through your space, the varieties of pieces wrapped with high quality vocabulary is a treat to the eye and of course provide a great delight to the readers.
But why the thankgiving? Because on a bigger note, I dedicate my blog scribbling to you. Yes, you deserve it buddy. You have been a constant inspiration for me right from the school days. I still remember the quality of your English language usage in those answer sheets of our terminal examinations. I simply cherished them.
Well we joined hands in the Letter to editor sections in t2.And now it has extended to this blogspace.
I wish you all the very best, Mr. Journalist. Let those thoughts of your free mind gets sketched down now and then. And I wish to gather more and more inspiration from you in the coming days.
Happy Blogging buddy. Keep up the good work. God Bless.
NOTE : Readers do visit http://aamarbhabnachinta.blogspot.com/ ( Yashodeep's blogspace). You will love to go through them.
Now what do I say? Its too humbling for me. I am touched. And thank you. For a week an idea had been shaping up in my mind, about a blog post. This post of yours has finally urged me to put my thoughts down on ABC. (I will post it soon)
ReplyDeleteIts difficult to explain how much I consider you to be one of my closest friends.
Thanks again. Even I find your posts superbly determined and fascinatingly written. Keep it up.
You inspire me too. take care, brother.
I feel honoured that this note touched you. And just focussing on this issue , let our posts fascinatingly proliferate. :)