I preferred to sketch some broad spaces like my previous posts… regarding some issues.. but unfortunately , I changed my mind. May be I could have skipped them.. but the bug to pen down thoughts on this current affairs has bitten me quite hard.. so I came back. Basically these issues had been blown to such an extent and covered up in each and every dailies , no new discussions can really be turned up for or against them. Some chewed up controversies..and some eyesores..!!!!
The first nomination of course sails over to our esteemed Hindu party.. The BJP ~ the “B”haratiya “J”ungli “P”arty..!!!!Right from the days they lost their elections, their “chintan” has stirred up controversies time and again..!!!! (..intentional..no doubt)… The so called “to be Prime minister in dreams “ iron man of BJP had started bad mouthing the Governemnt..and when it was not enough… the Vasundhara Raje controversy was succeeded by the exp

elling of Jashwant Singh from the party..!!!! With this latest “venture” , they clearly demonstrated how much democratic thoughts are lacking within the party ideals!!! Surely , Vajpayee is being missed . His absence has a clear impact : the ruining of party ideals. Jashwant Singh was a minister with proper ideals and thus was close to Vajpayee during his tenure as a Prime Minister ; a book published with a freedom of thought should have warmly accepted in a democratic country ..not banned in states or expelling the author without providing a word to say !!! Banning a book would never stop the ideas to flow ; but the change in ideologies would do with a positive motive. A party suffering from such mental strains and internal disruptions dreams of governing a developing nation!!! Certainly , maniacs they are..!!!!
I wish to say the national dailies to stop spending their valuable spaces for such harebrained individuals!!!!!
Moving on with my second nomination. What’s in a name..oops..”Khan”..!!!! Certainly..lots and lots into it. On the 15th ,as I switched on my television for NDTV, I was just keeping my fingers crossed ; hoping no controversial news or terrorist activity reports spring up!!! Bullshit!!! SRK stuck at Newark Air

port for security checking…news channel certainly had that news to be telecasted solely!!! First glimpse, I got disturbed (being a SRK admirer)… but gradually got pissed off..!!!!! Rest of the day..and with the follwing days , the controversy kept on banging at each section… I asked to myself.. Was this the biggest news for upset !!!!! Surely “Celebrity worship” sees no bounds in this region of the Earth. The latest ~ Irfan pathan – on the verge- of being kissed ~ is another illustration!!! Certainly the SRK story needed to be told but was there any requirement for blowing up the issue???? The last piece was certainly “amusing”… “MY NAME IS KHAN “ got its publicity stunt!!! Lol!!!
Now I enter a different genre of discussion. It’s not the chewing gum story , b

ut an eyesore stuff for me atleast. The front pages splashed photographs of Mamata Banerjee discussing about industrial developments in Bengal with the high profile industrialists!!! Was not this lady responsible for the countless strikes , for Nano’s dream run to end in Bengal???? Nothing much to say . I would be glad to see some promising projects in the heart of our State like you all… and then I would surely join you for a round of applause for the changing “Didi”..!!!
Fairly, quite enough regarding this discussions!!!!
Umm…I’m suddenly surprised..!!! Am I the person who is penning down on issues like this..!!! I can very well remember I skipped those political affairs and national news and jumped to the sports section of the newspapers..!!!!!!! even a year back!!!
Hmm…a wind of change within me too…quite a change. Loving it. Oh..i remembered something…England has won the Ashes… kudos to the blowing wind..!!!!
Its good to hear that u r developing your interest in myriad subjects. good keep it up. and its a fine piece!