Quite a number of days it has been. But I am still not being able to come out of the hangover. The memories of those corridors, those classrooms, a bit of Common room, the labs still haunt me. It is high time to move on in life, but somewhere the strings of emotion have just got stuck too hard. I need to blame it upon others because I cannot take it single handedly. And they are none other than my “college mates”. Sounds very formal , I know. But can’t really straight away hit upon those on a direct note : those are none other than my friends , my fellow juniors and those seniors.
I never knew I would be entangled in the cobwebs of friendship in such a severe manner that holdover would persist. A frank note : I was not sad to leave the school as such (though it should have been, not in a mood to go into such details; maybe later).
From the very first day I caught up with an unmatched rapport with some of my classmates; and today they are my priceless elements of my life. Quite a lot of chapters got unveiled in this journey making me acquainted with lots of people around and with this some of us became soul mates in its true sense. We felt incomplete, we felt sad without each other. Such was the strong essence. Even if some feuds cropped up, it had resulted in strengthening the pillars of this monument of friendship.
Meanwhile when I dive down into those college days snaps ~ my eyes land up on those fellow students : some damn witty, some whacky, some being a bit introvert. But nevertheless they were parts and parcel of those college addas or the japes around; and I’m missing their company.
This college days only taught me the tenure of four years ~ and that it is damn short!!!! Still those first day palpitation, peeking ladies out there , the over boundaries at the small ground , the semester festival sway in the mind today also; and yes of course how could I forget the ‘matkas’ n ‘jhatkas’ of the “mauja-i-mauja” fest days (well quite an episode out there too; still its on)

From the alleys of Salt Lake to Lake Town, stretching to Park Circus and Kasba ; along with Rashbehari and Garia getting connected ~ this fusion of the crossroads have made this roller coaster ride as the most happening extravaganza of my life till date. I seriously doubt whether I would ever get back such days again; the inner mind pokes to say : You won’t. Because those moments of togetherness with a rollicking ride in those surprise birthday parties ,pandal hopping , gobbling at restaurants , crunching of popcorns inside the plexes, bawali on diwali just do not promise to bid a farewell; moreover those pre campus recruitment days or hitting together for the semester every morning in the Zen or Santro simply carves out the nostalgic moments so deeply : the tear glands just can’t stop their excitation!!!
Still today, we make a point to arrange a get together along with those near and dear ones; the environment of course sweeps away the loneliness within.
It was worth to be a part of this college where the senior and junior members bonded with the theme of caring and sharing ; whatever would have been the so called ‘age differences’ ; it never provided a hindrance to those amazing chemistry that we had ,spiced up with non stop leg pulls or the horseplay !!!!! The random talks over the phones brisked up the cellular service provider’s business.. stirring a recession in the pocket money zone…. but who cares!!!! The delicious and exquisite cuisines of friendship were being served now and then …Could not have asked for anything better. I swear.
For quite a few days, I had thought of dedicating a space from this zone to those people who made my last four years a chapter worth remembering and gifted those treasured moments which my soul will carry with itself . So it is just a small effort from my side to say ~ thanks to all and I would always preserve your thoughts deep down in those secret almirahs of my grey cells. I am sketching this space without a full stop at the very end. Just as I would never let you memories to fade away neither would I let this piece (dedicated to you all) to end but to continue forever and ever and ever……
I never knew I would be entangled in the cobwebs of friendship in such a severe manner that holdover would persist. A frank note : I was not sad to leave the school as such (though it should have been, not in a mood to go into such details; maybe later).
From the very first day I caught up with an unmatched rapport with some of my classmates; and today they are my priceless elements of my life. Quite a lot of chapters got unveiled in this journey making me acquainted with lots of people around and with this some of us became soul mates in its true sense. We felt incomplete, we felt sad without each other. Such was the strong essence. Even if some feuds cropped up, it had resulted in strengthening the pillars of this monument of friendship.
Meanwhile when I dive down into those college days snaps ~ my eyes land up on those fellow students : some damn witty, some whacky, some being a bit introvert. But nevertheless they were parts and parcel of those college addas or the japes around; and I’m missing their company.
This college days only taught me the tenure of four years ~ and that it is damn short!!!! Still those first day palpitation, peeking ladies out there , the over boundaries at the small ground , the semester festival sway in the mind today also; and yes of course how could I forget the ‘matkas’ n ‘jhatkas’ of the “mauja-i-mauja” fest days (well quite an episode out there too; still its on)

From the alleys of Salt Lake to Lake Town, stretching to Park Circus and Kasba ; along with Rashbehari and Garia getting connected ~ this fusion of the crossroads have made this roller coaster ride as the most happening extravaganza of my life till date. I seriously doubt whether I would ever get back such days again; the inner mind pokes to say : You won’t. Because those moments of togetherness with a rollicking ride in those surprise birthday parties ,pandal hopping , gobbling at restaurants , crunching of popcorns inside the plexes, bawali on diwali just do not promise to bid a farewell; moreover those pre campus recruitment days or hitting together for the semester every morning in the Zen or Santro simply carves out the nostalgic moments so deeply : the tear glands just can’t stop their excitation!!!
Still today, we make a point to arrange a get together along with those near and dear ones; the environment of course sweeps away the loneliness within.
It was worth to be a part of this college where the senior and junior members bonded with the theme of caring and sharing ; whatever would have been the so called ‘age differences’ ; it never provided a hindrance to those amazing chemistry that we had ,spiced up with non stop leg pulls or the horseplay !!!!! The random talks over the phones brisked up the cellular service provider’s business.. stirring a recession in the pocket money zone…. but who cares!!!! The delicious and exquisite cuisines of friendship were being served now and then …Could not have asked for anything better. I swear.
For quite a few days, I had thought of dedicating a space from this zone to those people who made my last four years a chapter worth remembering and gifted those treasured moments which my soul will carry with itself . So it is just a small effort from my side to say ~ thanks to all and I would always preserve your thoughts deep down in those secret almirahs of my grey cells. I am sketching this space without a full stop at the very end. Just as I would never let you memories to fade away neither would I let this piece (dedicated to you all) to end but to continue forever and ever and ever……
something in life comes without the expiry date. this blog reflects that fragrence. LUV U.