The plight of ours so called “valuable life” still remains a toy in the hands of drivers!! Can we blame them for their outrageous action? Simply NO. After all they are the ‘driving force’ that are dominating the roadways for years and will continue to do mercilessly. The Drivers are least bothered about their lives, and you expect them to care for ours ~ bullshit!!!!
It is often a big question that hammers within the mind…. Will the member of my family return back home safe and sound?..umm.. even would I too? Yeah, a definite question with a harsh answer surfaced with the damn reality : NO. With terrorism building up its own cobweb around the country, security of life is always posed with a big QUESTION MARK; and these automobile drivers have taken very good care of exaggerating the issue to a further state. Kudos, to them.
Is Rash Driving a malpractise?.well…You say so. Aha, You are duped. It is a regular habit of these “carefree” drivers; it’s a wont established in their day to day activities.Simple stuff. What about those reckless overtakes they make while driving on those busy roads? Oh ! they are the active participants in the championship league : Your fastest extravaganza to HELL!!!
Umm..it is said Doctors are messengers of Bhagwan…then these Drivers hail from? The Yama ,of course.
Never did the system change…never will the system bother to change. The more we shelter the evils, the more they boost up ….and with the Government’s blessings, we are ready to see more prosperity in their way of growth. As long as Media keep up these burning issues on the headlines, the Government seems to wake up in the call of immediate remedy but not for a prolonged period… it dies away as fast as possible… truly CORRUPTION ZINDABAD!!!!
Talks regarding cancellation of license of old vehicles proceed to the table..grows as a serious matter of discussion but effectively at the end of the day , the net result is a big zero!!!! The politicians , party members and these drivers have entangled themselves in the corrupted zone so neatly down the years, no random step can evacuate this position.
The so called “promises” from the government are thus so rightly have become the issues of derision !!!...
‘Commission system to be abolished’ is the new mantra to reduce reckless overtakes…..well could have been though long time back..!!!! Greed has always driven human beings crazy, so why titillate it ? No answer. The corruption has found a profound base to proliferate… as long as the base does not encounter a judder of its caliber , the roots can never be upturned !!!
Human life has no say in this… it is a puppet in the hands of these system and these ‘feted’ drivers’ won’t pay any heed to the moral values; hope sustains.. maybe the wings of the evil be shredded way but till then… the ball is in the Driver’s court. Play As You Like.
It is often a big question that hammers within the mind…. Will the member of my family return back home safe and sound?..umm.. even would I too? Yeah, a definite question with a harsh answer surfaced with the damn reality : NO. With terrorism building up its own cobweb around the country, security of life is always posed with a big QUESTION MARK; and these automobile drivers have taken very good care of exaggerating the issue to a further state. Kudos, to them.
Is Rash Driving a malpractise?.well…You say so. Aha, You are duped. It is a regular habit of these “carefree” drivers; it’s a wont established in their day to day activities.Simple stuff. What about those reckless overtakes they make while driving on those busy roads? Oh ! they are the active participants in the championship league : Your fastest extravaganza to HELL!!!
Umm..it is said Doctors are messengers of Bhagwan…then these Drivers hail from? The Yama ,of course.
Never did the system change…never will the system bother to change. The more we shelter the evils, the more they boost up ….and with the Government’s blessings, we are ready to see more prosperity in their way of growth. As long as Media keep up these burning issues on the headlines, the Government seems to wake up in the call of immediate remedy but not for a prolonged period… it dies away as fast as possible… truly CORRUPTION ZINDABAD!!!!
Talks regarding cancellation of license of old vehicles proceed to the table..grows as a serious matter of discussion but effectively at the end of the day , the net result is a big zero!!!! The politicians , party members and these drivers have entangled themselves in the corrupted zone so neatly down the years, no random step can evacuate this position.
The so called “promises” from the government are thus so rightly have become the issues of derision !!!...
‘Commission system to be abolished’ is the new mantra to reduce reckless overtakes…..well could have been though long time back..!!!! Greed has always driven human beings crazy, so why titillate it ? No answer. The corruption has found a profound base to proliferate… as long as the base does not encounter a judder of its caliber , the roots can never be upturned !!!
Human life has no say in this… it is a puppet in the hands of these system and these ‘feted’ drivers’ won’t pay any heed to the moral values; hope sustains.. maybe the wings of the evil be shredded way but till then… the ball is in the Driver’s court. Play As You Like.
what I think my friend is that these drivers need to be properly educated about the environment and the supreme value of human life. Moreover a standard test must be cleared before issuing any driving license/certificates.
ReplyDeleteA step on the part of the Government should be taken in order to ensure correct education of all current drivers, and I think its high time to enforce lane driving for better results. SAFETY FIRST!!!