Round and round zip zap zoom
Net freaking goes on a bloom.
Tring trong tring connecting at a go
Lifez never been as it is so.
Communities , Messengers , Blogs on a rise
Hurdles to connect on the way dies.
Orkut, Hi5 , Yahoo Messenger paving the way
Making your friend listen to what you wanna say.
Blogger, Open Diary, Xanga posts your comments
Some reflects burning topics or some on beautiful moments.
Long lost friends connect now at a click
New friends are made through this manner so sleek.
Quickness and Reliability marks new age communication
You remain connected wherever lies your destination.
Life is now at an ease ; time for headache to leave the stage
While sleek and compact communication thrives at the new age.
Zip Zap Zoom Tic Tac Toe
conected you are at a go...
Lifez relaxed and tension free
itz new technology providing the key.
( This is an extract from my English Lab Project at college which I composed for my project work. It has been my favourite till date and today I wished to share with you guys. I hope you enjoyed reading it. )
Net freaking goes on a bloom.
Tring trong tring connecting at a go
Lifez never been as it is so.
Communities , Messengers , Blogs on a rise
Hurdles to connect on the way dies.
Orkut, Hi5 , Yahoo Messenger paving the way
Making your friend listen to what you wanna say.
Blogger, Open Diary, Xanga posts your comments
Some reflects burning topics or some on beautiful moments.
Long lost friends connect now at a click
New friends are made through this manner so sleek.
Quickness and Reliability marks new age communication
You remain connected wherever lies your destination.
Life is now at an ease ; time for headache to leave the stage
While sleek and compact communication thrives at the new age.
Zip Zap Zoom Tic Tac Toe
conected you are at a go...
Lifez relaxed and tension free
itz new technology providing the key.
( This is an extract from my English Lab Project at college which I composed for my project work. It has been my favourite till date and today I wished to share with you guys. I hope you enjoyed reading it. )
highly adventurous, grrreat rhyming dude!!