Reform : that’s the bandwagon everyone is counting upon. And, Protest : each of us is upbeat about. These two terminologies have shared an unmatched rapport with each other for decades and will continue to do so mirthfully in the upcoming years. Truly a bonding that is so nonpareil.And why should not it be? These two are the building blocks in the path of development and growth. Their positive effectuation has led to where mankind is.
The wind has started blowing again. With UPA Government’s second consecutive tenure, Reform has been the central theme in its administration. As the Government is slowly and steadily developing the reform ideas , one has already caught the nation at large and protests have already started to dance their way in. And that one idea is nothing other than : Kapil Sibal’s 100 day reform program.
The 100 day reform program has its syllabi constituting of keeping Board exams optional at 10 th Standard , implementation of Gradation system and employ a Single All India
Board to conduct the school leaving examinations. Even our respected HRD minister has thought of doing away with Board examinations at XII th standard ; but before coming into that let me analyse the previous points. Of course just as many political parties , even members of UPA government and many educationist did , I would like to point out the flaws on few points. Time for protest to join in , here I go.
Honestly speaking , removal of Board examinations would do nothing better. Students and their respective parents could be stress free is no issue basically. Today the world has its share of competitiveness in all its avenues and a brush up with that is no harm. Today or tomorrow you have to face the challenges ; so there is no moving away from it and let the competitive attitude creep in ; if worked upon,of course in a positive manner, it would lead to the betterment only. Internal assessments would fail to judge our position in the bigger arena ; and so let the big hurdles come up our way.These challenges would even enforce you to face failure , but who cares ; the wise said it : Failure is the pillar of Success. So let the brushing up mechanism persist. Frankly, stress is bound to tie up a little less or little more ; no way to shy away from it.
Moving on, I have no aversion towards the gradation system ; even most people gave a thumbs up to it. It is quite a scientific way of evaluation and should be rolled out as soon as possible. It would be a very salubrious decision as it keeps away the dispiriting associated with even a difference of half a marks!
But now lies the most controversial issue that needs to be sieved out- whether a Single Board would manage all the school leaving examinations? Practically it seems inconceivable. It is learnt that there are 40 odd Boards who conduct their examination all over India ; and now with one single board to take up such responsibility is a huge burden to deal with. To have an assay over the incalculable institutes in India would be a tedious job for a Single Board to carry out. Even the principle idea is challenged by commenting : centralization would lead to hold back the country in a middle standard thus denying independent quest of excellence and autonomy to innovate. But I feel maybe this decision would have helped to reduce the disparity; the distinguishable factors are often a reason to the inducement of backwardness in a certain section. Moreover I strongly support the centralization in grading system, a ‘high five’ to that decision! There is a far cry among the marking system that several boards offer. Simply ,that is not done. I feel each and every individual should be judged on a common grading scale. The reason is simple : Back in Kolkata , a student scores better in an ICSE board rather than in a CBSE board.The sagacity varies from there!
Wait. It does not end up here. Decisions regarding higher education too have been slapped with criticism. Should foreign universities be in or not? Should they follow the norms set by Indian Universities or not? Bigger and better hurdles are just up on the way.
With the present scenario in mind, foreign universities should pave their way in because in a way it is expanding the stature of Globalisation. Of course , the business mechanism would creep in fast , but that really needs to be checked upon for proper uplifting of the education system. As per the norms are concerned , let there be a public forum to answer it. The students , the teachers and the administrative body can have a discussion regarding these and the apt ones can be carried out. Rigidity would do no good , so flexibility moves up in the ladder.
The game of reform and protest has started. The players are all set out ; clash of thoughts have kicked off. Let us take up our sides too and voice it out loud. May the best man..oops.. the Best ideals win.
The wind has started blowing again. With UPA Government’s second consecutive tenure, Reform has been the central theme in its administration. As the Government is slowly and steadily developing the reform ideas , one has already caught the nation at large and protests have already started to dance their way in. And that one idea is nothing other than : Kapil Sibal’s 100 day reform program.
The 100 day reform program has its syllabi constituting of keeping Board exams optional at 10 th Standard , implementation of Gradation system and employ a Single All India
Board to conduct the school leaving examinations. Even our respected HRD minister has thought of doing away with Board examinations at XII th standard ; but before coming into that let me analyse the previous points. Of course just as many political parties , even members of UPA government and many educationist did , I would like to point out the flaws on few points. Time for protest to join in , here I go.
Honestly speaking , removal of Board examinations would do nothing better. Students and their respective parents could be stress free is no issue basically. Today the world has its share of competitiveness in all its avenues and a brush up with that is no harm. Today or tomorrow you have to face the challenges ; so there is no moving away from it and let the competitive attitude creep in ; if worked upon,of course in a positive manner, it would lead to the betterment only. Internal assessments would fail to judge our position in the bigger arena ; and so let the big hurdles come up our way.These challenges would even enforce you to face failure , but who cares ; the wise said it : Failure is the pillar of Success. So let the brushing up mechanism persist. Frankly, stress is bound to tie up a little less or little more ; no way to shy away from it.
Moving on, I have no aversion towards the gradation system ; even most people gave a thumbs up to it. It is quite a scientific way of evaluation and should be rolled out as soon as possible. It would be a very salubrious decision as it keeps away the dispiriting associated with even a difference of half a marks!
But now lies the most controversial issue that needs to be sieved out- whether a Single Board would manage all the school leaving examinations? Practically it seems inconceivable. It is learnt that there are 40 odd Boards who conduct their examination all over India ; and now with one single board to take up such responsibility is a huge burden to deal with. To have an assay over the incalculable institutes in India would be a tedious job for a Single Board to carry out. Even the principle idea is challenged by commenting : centralization would lead to hold back the country in a middle standard thus denying independent quest of excellence and autonomy to innovate. But I feel maybe this decision would have helped to reduce the disparity; the distinguishable factors are often a reason to the inducement of backwardness in a certain section. Moreover I strongly support the centralization in grading system, a ‘high five’ to that decision! There is a far cry among the marking system that several boards offer. Simply ,that is not done. I feel each and every individual should be judged on a common grading scale. The reason is simple : Back in Kolkata , a student scores better in an ICSE board rather than in a CBSE board.The sagacity varies from there!
Wait. It does not end up here. Decisions regarding higher education too have been slapped with criticism. Should foreign universities be in or not? Should they follow the norms set by Indian Universities or not? Bigger and better hurdles are just up on the way.
With the present scenario in mind, foreign universities should pave their way in because in a way it is expanding the stature of Globalisation. Of course , the business mechanism would creep in fast , but that really needs to be checked upon for proper uplifting of the education system. As per the norms are concerned , let there be a public forum to answer it. The students , the teachers and the administrative body can have a discussion regarding these and the apt ones can be carried out. Rigidity would do no good , so flexibility moves up in the ladder.
The game of reform and protest has started. The players are all set out ; clash of thoughts have kicked off. Let us take up our sides too and voice it out loud. May the best man..oops.. the Best ideals win.